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How to Lower Your Website Bounce Rate

What is Bounce Rate?

If your website customers are leaving your website quickly without buying your products or services, your website starts to have a high bounce rate. You can check your website bounce rate in Google analytics or using any other third party tools whose code you have installed on your website to check the bounce rate. In simple words, a high bounce rate means your website visitors are leaving your website quickly (either on the homepage or any other inner page) because they are either finding it useless or it takes too long to load, or your products/services are irrelevant to the user query. A lower bounce rate means people are staying on your website, spending time there reading about your products and services, and it is highly likely they can be converted into sales if your website meets the customers’ requirements. A high bounce rate can kill your website conversion rate.

Note- It is possible that all of your website visits are not shown in Google analytics or any other tools that you use to analyse your website bounce rate. If your website visitor has disabled cookies on their browser or is using VPN (virtual private network) while surfing, it is highly likely that the visit will go undetected by analytics or any other third party tool you are using to check your website bounce rate.

Many studies have been conducted on bounce rate. If your website bounce rate is around 40% then you can consider that your website is doing well. A website bounce rate of around 70% is considered poor, whilst 80% bounce rate is very bad and you should consult a marketing specialist to look at your business website and resolve the associated issues that are causing such a high bounce rate.

In order to reduce your website bounce rate, you must find the issues that are causing the bounce rate to be high and then fix them. We have compiled a list of some tips that you can use to reduce your website bounce rate.

30 Tips to Reduce Your Website Bounce Rate

  • Improve your website loading time. Your website landing page should load quickly.

  • Make the upper section of each page engaging so that it loads fast and quickly in order to grab the attention of your website visitor before he jumps to another website.

  • Improve your website visitors’ interaction with your website by making it easy to use.

  • Optimise your website with your business related keywords so that genuine and relevant traffic comes to your website.

  • Make each page informative and unique from each other.

  • Write attractive Meta tags to attract your visitors on search engines.

  • Improve your website navigation so that users find information easily and stay within your website.

  • Improve your website internal search functionality.

  • Create multiple webpages within your website for your business related high volume key-terms.

  • Carry out A/B Testing on each page to improve them.

  • Make your Call to Action appear when it is required.

  • Setup Live Chat help on your website to engage them and answer their questions.

  • Reduce technical errors such as plug-in errors, java script, coding malfunction or server side issues.

  • Optimise your website for mobile devices such as Smartphones and tablets, as more people use mobile devices than desktop for online surfing. Engaging your mobile users can reduce your website bounce rate and improve conversion rate.

  • Use bold text or small size images to engage your customers.

  • Instead of creating “404 page not found”, direct the user to an alternative option.

  • Use your business related colour scheme/contrast throughout the website.

  • Use videos to grab the attention of your customers but make sure you do not use too many videos otherwise they can impact your website loading time and increase bounce rate.

  • Images should be eye-catching, engaging and relevant to your products and services.

  • Engage your website audience with fresh blog articles and content.

  • Display and highlight your top deals, limited offers and discounts to your customers to engage them on your website.

  • Turn off any auto play of audio, videos or anything else. Let your website visitors decide whether they want to play something on your website or not.

  • Lure your customers with special offers and discounts customised to them while they are on your website.

  • Show your existing work in terms of testimonials, reviews, ratings, awards, certification, endorsements etc to convince and engage the customers on your website.

  • Find broken links and remove them or repair them. Broken links can irritate your website visitors and force them to use your competitors’ websites.

  • Content should be engaging; make your main phrases bold and larger so that they appeal to your visitors and force them to read your website body content.

  • Use standard font type and size to make your website readable and friendly.

  • Avoid pop-ups and unnecessary advertisement on your webpages – they distract visitors. 

  • Optimise your website internal linking structure.

  • Reduce external links on your website and set them up to open in new windows so that your website visitors do not leave your webpage.

  • Improve your website design; make it more responsive, beautiful, engaging and modern.

To sum up, do not panic. Firstly analyse properly and take the necessary steps to reduce your website bounce rate. Note: it is possible that all of your website visits are not shown in Google analytics or any other tools that you use to analyse your website bounce rate. If your website visitor has disabled cookies on their browser or is using VPN (virtual private network) while surfing, it is highly likely that the visit will go undetected by analytics or any other third party tool you are using to check your website bounce rate.

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